Cyclops Smiths
The Cyclops Smiths are somehow the nobility amongst the cyclops. Cyclops praise those skilled in the art of blacksmithing the same way as humans praise great artists. Although cyclops work usually lacks refinement and is rather functional than pretty, the wares of the Cyclops Smiths are in great demand of all other races. All cyclops, with the exception of the simple-minded drones, are constantly trying to enhance their smithing skill. It's the aim of all cyclops to be recognised by their society as master smith. Of course being the cream of the crop is not achieved easily, and the cyclops never grant this prestigious title thoughtlessly.
Cyclops Smiths have 435 hitpoints. They are strong against energy, fire and holy damage. On the other hand, they are weak against death and earth damage. It takes 695 mana to convince these creatures but they cannot be summoned.
Cyclops Smiths yield 255 experience points. They carry cyclops toes, gold coins, meat and sometimes other items with them.
Boosted Creature: | Salamander |
Boosted Boss: | Zorvorax |
Exp Rate: | Medium Stages |
Server Save: | Everyday at 8:00 |
1. Testy | Lvl. 1003020 |
2. Nicki Louda | Lvl. 1014 |
3. Hans | Lvl. 977 |
4. Test | Lvl. 513 |
5. Infek | Lvl. 100 |
1. | Testy | 9.807.775.854.036.372.223 WEEKLY XP |
2. | Nicki Louda | 17.380.243.311 WEEKLY XP |
3. | Hans | 15.225.334.494 WEEKLY XP |
4. | Test | 2.519.686.224 WEEKLY XP |
5. | Infek | 16.311.010 WEEKLY XP |
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