Server Info
IP | (Port: 7181) |
Client | 13.20 - DOWNLOAD HERE |
Online | 24/7 |
Global server save | Everyday at 8:00 |
World type | PVP (Protection level: 150) |
Rates | Loot: x3 Spawn: x1 |
Free blessings | Till level 100 |
Exp Stages |
1 - 50 x30 51 - 100 x15 101 - 200 x10 201 - 300 x8 301 - 400 x6 401 - 500 x4 501 - 999 x3 1000+ x2 |
Magic Level Stages |
0 - 60 x20 61 - 80 x14 81 - 100 x10 101 - 110 x8 111 - 125 x6 126+ x2 |
Skill Stages |
10 - 60 x30 61 - 80 x20 81 - 110 x12 111 - 125 x8 126+ x2 |
Houses | House rent: disabled !buyhouse required level: 100 Houses with inactive owners are cleaned after 30 days. |
Guilds | 100 level (Create via website, HERE) |
Loyalty | +7 points every day since you created your account |
Frags & Skull |
Rules | See Rules Page |
Boosted Creature: | Lizard Templar |
Boosted Boss: | Neferi the Spy |
Exp Rate: | Medium Stages |
Server Save: | Everyday at 8:00 |
Buy Character
Rageaz 412 Elder Druid PRICE: 1700 |
The greatest of S2 Chillera
1. Tixi | Lvl. 1252 |
2. Keisy | Lvl. 1150 |
3. Wariaczyna | Lvl. 768 |
4. Smolcer | Lvl. 735 |
5. King Bruss Li | Lvl. 601 |
1. | Volt | 36.350.251 WEEKLY XP |
2. | Kojelon | 98.800 WEEKLY XP |
3. | Klonozepan | 0 WEEKLY XP |
4. | Htfu | 0 WEEKLY XP |
5. | Staniskos | 0 WEEKLY XP |
1. | Oddzial Zamkniety | 1 kills |
2. | 0 kills |
1. | Taras | 2 kills |
2. | Tixi | 1 kills |
3. | Wariaczyna | 1 kills |
4. | Spitek | 1 kills |
5. | Ha Tfu | 1 kills |
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