  1. Gathering

    You can gather materials around the world (plants, flowers, tree's, stones...). In order to start gather materials you should get the right tool to gather, for example for mine you need a pickaxe, for woodcutting you need an axe, for herbalist you need a scissor. You can bought the tools talking with each NPC on he's workshop.

  2. Mining

    Minner's Forge is located on teleport island at second floor, here you will find npc Elyotrope, Elyotrope Sells the first pickaxe to start mining. Bought it, collect pieces , craft small and big ingots and sell it to Elyotrope to earn money.

  3. Woodcutting

    Woodcutter's Forge is located on teleport island at first floor, here you will find npc Rostock he sells the first axe for start cutting tree's around the world. Bought it, collect wood , craft some planks and sell it to Rostock.

  4. Herbalist

    Herbalist's Forge is located on teleport island at first floor, here you will find npc Elyria she sells the first scissor's for start harvesting plant's around the world. Bought it, collect plants and mushrooms then craft potions. Potions are useful, sell it on the market or use it to help you on battle's.