Brutal Strike

Brutal Strike

Brutal Strike

This ability has been taught by renegade Mooh'Tah masters and is based on focusing one's inner strength into a single overpowering blow. It takes a great deal of training in meditation as well as in various combat techniques. The inner power is suddenly and often surprisingly unleashed into a forceful blow that uses the body's momentum and the combatant's concentration to achieve a maximum effect.

Spell Information
Name: Brutal Strike
Formula: exori ico
Vocation: Knight, Elite Knight
Group: Attack
Type: Instant
Cooldown: 6s (Group: 2s)
Exp Lvl: 16
Mana: 30
Price: 1000
City: Ankrahmun, Darashia, Edron, Liberty Bay, Port Hope, Svargrond, Yalahar
Premium: yes